Crystal Lake Entertainment
Crystal Lake Entertainment
- Member of the Shadows and Ink Mastermind group

Creepy Pasta - An Encounter on the Train to Oxford by Rose C Rushbrooke

Creepy Pasta picked up my short story An Encounter on the Train to Oxford

2024 Camp NaNoWriMo Winner

Pretty much what it says. I wrote 500 words every day for the whole of April 2024. That's 15,000 towards my novel.

Horror Writers Association

Joined the Horror Writers Association
3/7/2024 RCR

To create freely, you must, and will, kill monsters.

2/5/2024 RCR

2023 NaNoWriMo Winner

In October 2023 I discovered NaNoWriMo. It stands for National Novel Writing Month. Hundreds of thousands of aspiring authors pound their keys despite all around going to hell in a handcart. Up until the first day of November I had not sustained a regular writing routine. This competition would galvanise me into action and prove to myself whether I could 'get on with it'.

Well, I did, and I won. Winning means writing over 50,000 words in the month of November. I wrote 50,073. Around 16,000 words are a full size book outline and the rest are made up of around 24 story ideas.

I gather that of the many folks who signed up, only 33,000 made it to the end. I am proud to be counted in that number.

Copyright © 1999- Rose Rushbrooke All Rights Reserved